NOTE: We recently updated our licensing model. All modules have been updated and any new license will be generated with the new model. Please, contact us when updating older versions of a module, we will relicense your module free of charge.

Check your module's help file for more information on which versions are affected.

Integra V2.1

€ 140
ex VAT
Exclusive VAT
All prices are listed without VAT.

For more information please refer to our General Terms and Conditions
Device License
Device License
Each purchase will be licensed to 1 processor by MAC address. You may use any number of instances of a Device Licensed module in one processor. Upon purchase you can immediate download the module and start using it for testing purposes. It will remain active for 2 hours on every program restart. To fully unlock the module go to 'My Purchases' and complete your license with the processor's MAC address.

For more information please refer to our General Terms and Conditions


Running this module on a Crestron 3-series control system will allow you to control one Satel Integra alarm system. It will read and send commands coming from and sending to the system through an ethernet connection. The commands are being sent over TCP/IP and in theory could be sent over RS-232 as well through a COM-Port. 

Note that the module has only been tested through TCP/IP communication.

The following commands can be send to the system from the Crestron processor:
  • Initial poll to read the current state of the alarm system.(This should be run after processor's startup)
  • Enable polling. Enable this to send a poll command after each interval. The interval time can be set through the parameter field.
  • Arm partitions in mode 0, 1, 2, and 3. Up to 10 partitions can be controlled.
  • Disarm partitions.
  • Clear alarms in partitions.
  • Bypass and unbypass up to 128 zones.
  • Turn on up to 256 outputs.
The following replies can be received from the system to the Crestron processor:
  • Partition is armed in mode 0, 1, 2 or 3.
  • Partition is in alarm.
  • Zone is violated.
  • Zone is in alarm.
  • Zone is tampered.
  • Zone is bypassed.
  • Zone in entry time
  • Zone in long exit time > 10s
  • Zone in short exit time < 10s
To be able to send and receive these commands you need to set the poll interval in seconds ranging from 1 to 60s. You need to set the user code in the module which is minimum 4 numbers long and maximum 16. If you have a prefix in your user code you prepend it to the user code. e.g if your code is '1234' and your prefix is '97' then you need to set '971234' as user code.
Lastly you'll need to fill in your license key that you received from our website.

This module is completely re-written in SIMPL# to maximize performance. Make sure you also copy the "Satel.clz" file in your project folder.

This module has been tested on a RMC3 controlling the Satel Integra 64 and 256 plus systems.

If you encounter any problems implementing this module, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Your feedback is highly appreciated.

Module details
2-Series Not supported
3-Series Yes
Communication TCP/IP
Help File Included
Demo Program Not included


